
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Andrea's Big Week

It's starting to dawn on me how close my baby sister is to being an adult. This week I took her to Sinclair to get her Tartan Card. (She's all registered and set to start Sinclair classes in the Fall.) I'm happy that she's going to Sinclair (my Alma Mater), now to work on convincing her to join Phi Theta Kappa....
This week she is also serving a "mini mission" (where she'll get the full experience of being a full time missionary, but for a week rather than 18 months) in the Cincinnati area. (Hamilton for those who know Ohio well :) Sadly I was working when she reported for her mission so I wasn't able to send her off. When I saw this picture later, I was blown away by how much she actually looks like a sister missionary (..and rocking my cardigan better than I do!)
Yes, baby sister is growing up, which is making me a sentimental wreck....

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