
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kirtland for a day

My YSA branch took a day trip to Kirtland this weekend. (It was supposed to be a branch wide activity but turned into a Relief Society activity when none of our guys showed up.) We had a lot of fun touring the historical sites and the Kirtland temple. I'm looking forward to going back to Kirtland again for Zion's Camp (our state wide YSA conference) in May!

PTK San Jose

This is what downtown San Jose looks like. Cute huh?
Having fun at the conference. 
Exploring San Jose State with Amy.

Ohio Regional Team before the big flag ceremony
Since I'm from the Mid West the palm trees fascinated me. 
Pictures from the Gala Awards Ceremony 

Cindy my Ohio Region adviser. 
Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco

Sea lions on the looks like their life is really rough

Myrtle Beach

Stopping for a second in Virginia on the way to South Carolina 
Huntington Beach: where we ended up spending most of our time. We only spent a little time on actual Myrtle Beach. Huntington Beach was a state park so it was less crowded. 

Yay! We're on the beach!
Random shot on Andrea's birthday. Happy birthday Andrea!

...and of course Brinkley needed to make a cameo too