
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New Year! (Take Two)

My actual New Year's Eve didn't go at all as planned so since Andrea and I both had a Friday night free we decided to do New Year's over again. It worked out great because we got all of our supplies on clearance (I guess its not all that common to host a New Year's party on January the 11th). We even watched the ball drop over New York City. (Thanks You Tube!)

All the confetti from our celebration.
I also had a fun weekend with the girls in my Relief Society Presidency. We had a Christmas party (yet another late holiday party. Weather canceled our first planned party). We did a gift exchange (we had drawn names on who to buy for beforehand) and went and saw The Hobbit. I got our R.S. president Elizabeth who is leaving for graduate school at LSU, a Build a Bear version of Mike the Tiger. We went over to Build a Bear and stuffed him up before the movie.